Dance and theatre workshop

Dance and theatre workshop

25.08.2024 14:00-18:00

Body and physical states/ From poetry to movement

Creative methods of our work in the performance `do we pray enough`with Victoria Hauke (koreograf danser) og Tatiana Zuccolotto (fysisk skuespiller). During this workshop we will explore some of the working principles used in our piece `do we pray enough`.

Using improvisation methods, inspired by the japanese form of short poem „Haiku“, we create movements and text. In a playful training we will let the Qi energy move us. We will be guided on how to move in a grounded and elastic way in space and how to use our voice in a joyful way.

More info:

All, who are interested are welcome. The workshop is both for people with or without previous experience.

Registration please in advance til Wednesday 21st of August

For questions and registration please write to:

280 dkr (140 dkr for under 25)